Tuesday, November 9, 2010

I guess this is a trial

I thought I would be graduating at the end of Summer 2011. Turns out, I'm not. It's for a very good reason but I wish I would have gathered more information so that it wouldn't have hit me today all at once. I can't do my internship till after I have completed ALL of the social work classes. ASU is almost done with what they need to do so they can attain accreditation for the BSW program. In order to do that, everything has to done in a certain way. Taking classes at the appropriate time is an example of the standards that must be upheld.

The bigger problem lies in how this affects me financially. After this semester I only have 6 classes till I graduate. Two of those classes are internships. Two of them are minor classes. Two of them are social work classes. It is impossible for me to be full time for the Spring semester (under the rules of the GI Bill) which means I take a paycut. This in turn means that I have to work more (28 hours total) in order to make up for the money I will not be receiving from the GI Bill.

In the Summer I will do my first internship and take my final women's studies class. My GI Bill runs out July 23. In the fall I will do my final internship and graduate in the Fall. Sigh...

I'm just as mad at myself for not anticipating this as I am about things not working out the way had thought they would. I suppose this is what is supposed to happen. This is what HE wants for me.

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